
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Friends, Feeling Chosen, Floats and Energy Bars

Last night was our first time to meet for our summer Bible study!  Throughout the school year on a Monday or Thursday night, in the past and in the evenings, I have hosted a Bible study and for quite a few years.  Usually, I am involved with a summer Bible study.  However, in the past I have been involved with a summer Bible study that meets during the day.  I have even hosted a Bible study during the day in the summer in my home.  This summer, rather than being involved in a daytime Bible study, I chose to be involved with an evening one, and, I decided I would even host it!

It is always a great time of fellowship, food and studying His Word!  We had a couple of new faces and it always amazes me how we are almost all like long lost friends coming together.  It is totally His Spirit that is our common bond and makes us to feel this way.  I think this gives us a little glimpse of what heaven will be like one day!

Our study for the next 6 weeks is written by Tammie Head and is titled "Duty or Delight?  Knowing Where You Stand With God".

Last night I handed out the books to the ladies and then we read the information about the Author, read the Forward written by Beth Moore, the Introduction of our study, and then the first days worth of study.  The first chapter is titled: "Knowing God Has Chosen Us".  In this first day of or our lesson Head speaks of our confidence and what do we place our confidence in, and the pitfalls we can fall in to by placing our confidence in worldly things.  The first question Head asked in her book is: "Have you had any blows to your confidence lately?"  Rather than having the ladies share on the very first night their answer to this question, I asked them to ponder the answer to that question for a minute in their own minds, not having to share out loud, but rather thinking of a time lately this might have happened to them.  Then, I did ask them to share out loud with the group, a woman they knew in Scripture that might have had this happen to her?

Here is what we came up with:

Mary - Being pregnant before she was married and then continuing to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.  (Found in Matthew and Luke)

Ruth - Naomi being just a bitter mother-in-law toward Ruth, but Ruth's perseverance in being the best daughter-in-law she could.  (Book of Ruth)

Hannah - Being the wife that was unable to bare her husband a child, then being taunted and ridiculed by her husbands other wife.  However, she continued to pray to the Lord for a child, believed she would conceive and was blessed with her son Samuel in which she dedicated back to the Lord's service. 
(I Samuel Chapter 1)

Esther - Being confident to go before the King, her husband without being called in to his presence, in order to save the Jews.  (Book of Esther)

Elizabeth - John The Baptist's mother.  Being confident that God would give her a son in her old age, and then blessing her to be the mother of the one to spread the Word of Jesus prior to Jesus being called into His ministry.  (Luke 1)

Jochebed - Mother of Moses.  Being confident that her son would not be killed and grow to be the one that would lead the Jews in their Exodus.  (Exodus 2)

Sarah - Abraham's wife, Jacob and Esau's mother.  Sustained blows to her confidence from Hagar, her maid servant, due to Sarah being barren.  Gaining confidence in her Lord rather than herself.  (Genesis 11-25)

Proverbs 31 Woman - The epitome of confidence, because of her LORD.

This is what Head is trying to help us discover, the key to each one of these women's confidence was not by their own strength and power as some ultimately discovered, like Sarah.  Rather, knowing their confidence came from the LORD!  For that is the secret to unshakeable confidence:  

"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, 
whose confidence is in him."  
Jeremiah 17:7

Our time ended with fellowship and floats!!!  We made traditional rootbeer floats with vanilla ice cream and then diet 7up floats with rainbow sherbet!!!   "So Licious!"  

One of the ladies at my Bible study and a long time friend, also brought this fabulous energy bar recipe for me to try.  Some of you might recognize it, she actually found the recipe through facebook.  You have to try this recipe it really is FABULOUS!!!

Homemade Energy Bars
by Lindsey Slack/April 24, 2013

Why this recipe works:  Most energy bars are made with hard to pronounce ingredients and don't taste that great.  Here's a healthy, fuel-filled alternative to the pre-packaged kind.

6 oz. pitted dates (1cup)
1/4 c sunflower seeds
3/4 c whole raw almonds
2 T chia seeds
3/4 c dried cranberries
2 T coconut oil

1.  Line a 9-inch square baking dish with parchment paper, leaving excess hanging over the sides to make a sling.

2.  Process all ingredients in food processor until finely ground, about 2 minutes.  Transfer mixture to prepared baking dish spread into even layer, pressing down using offset spatula or hand to firmly compress.  Transfer to refrigerator and chill until mixture is firm, about 20 minutes.

3.  Lift parchment sling out of baking dish and place on cutting board.  Using sharp knife, cut into 9 bars.  Bars can be refrigerated for up to 1 week or frozen up to 1 month.
Makes 9 Bars

Here is a web link for more information about the nutrition of chia seeds:

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